Being an unconventional brand in a conventional world can be tough to navigate, requiring a lot of determination and poise to successfully grow and survive in a saturated industry. On this weeks episode of Brand Spotlight, I had a conversation with Sai by Sai’s founder, discussing the brands fundamentals, and intentions in the fashion industry.
Can you give a brief description of yourself?
Hey! I’m Sai, a 23 year old artist and designer based in Brooklyn.

Can you give me a brief history of your brand? how it all began…
SAIbysai started in 2017 in my college dorm room. I was new to New York City and always had such passion for art and fashion but never knew how I could integrate the two. It was a random idea to paint on some old jeans I owned, but turned into a full on brand once others asked for a pair of their own.
Describe your brand in five words
Innovative, creative, immersive, abstract and bold.

Describe what your brand offers to your consumers?
My brand offers the chance to literally wear art. We carry tops, jackets, bags and hats, and everything in between.
Who is your brand for?
Open-minded and adventurous individuals, and it isn’t for anyone who may be scared to stand out.

What does your brand stand for?
True self expression through art.
What has been the biggest hurdle you’ve faced so far as a growing brand?
Meeting all demands just being a one person team. I am responsible for every aspect of the business, so it can be a bit daunting from time to time.
What do you think is the biggest issue facing black-owned growing fashion and lifestyle brands in the world today?
I would say lack of representation on a grand scale.

What are your future goals for your brand and fashion in its entirety?
To build a team around SAIbysai, bigger collections, and diversifying sizes so everyone is catered to.
What’s next for SAIbysai?
Keep following SAIbysai to see! I promise it will be worth it.

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