Surprisingly, there isn’t a heartfelt need to explain what being “woke” is, but I feel obliged to and here’s a definition for you:
The open acknowledgement of imperfection in a system or set of values.
With this definition, it is difficult to see anything wrong with woke culture, except for the piece of it becoming a race of opinions. From experience, everybody has an opinion about everything, as this article is indeed my opinion on why woke culture is toxic.
Have you ever had a conversation with an intelligent person who has a largely different view from your set of values, but they are bent on arguing rather than discussing? What would seem like an intellectual discussion, could easily descend into a scuffle of opinions that would in fact leave you drained and less informed on the subject.
The reason woke culture is toxic ultimately comes down to multiple opinions on one or many subjects.
In truth, many opinions allow for diversity, but with woke culture, many people believe their opinion on a subject is golden making it difficult to have a conversation that doesn’t become an argument.
Another thing I personally experienced with woke culture is, you can’t make or laugh at certain topics because they are considered by someone’s moral compass to be off-limits. Racist, sexual or even gender jokes especially.
Are they wrong for having that opinion, absolutely not? Is a bad person indecent for laughing at a racist joke? I don’t suppose so either.
What being “woke” should mean.
What woke culture should be about is an environment that fosters intellectual conversations and advocates borderline debates. Allowing opposing opinions to find a middle ground concerning topics that affect and concerns them.
A space to help educate others about struggles that are a constant reality to those affected. It shouldn’t be a flex of intellectual prowess, which in fact leaves whoever cares to listen infuriated, frustrated or confused.
Debates are to rather organise, educate and advocate.
The world would keep evolving, and certainly more changes would occur with time. However, what should always remain, is the spirit of purpose and solidarity you display in fighting for the causes you care about, rather than toothless banter about matters that require less talk and more work.
Being woke, you should form discussions, be more open to debates, volunteer for your causes. And whenever you encounter individuals who care less about what you care about, Be willing to educate with your voice and actions.
Stay Woke! You are Unruly!