Month 1:

For the wasted years, wasted youths, pretty lies, ugly truth and more trans-generational problems, who is to be blamed? Every generation says the next one messes everything up. Wake Up! We are asleep, but dreaming we are awake. Open your eyes, THIS IS THE REVOLUTION.
Month 2:
Today’s world is driven by knowledge and experience, providing a chance for every individual to experience and appreciate every moment which is no way decided by their status. Wake Up!
Month 3:
To the press, film makers, directors and entertainers, what you choose to put out there is what the world is going to get. The images of Africa are historical. We have to be able to tell our own stories to redefine how people think about us. Wake Up!
Month 4:
To the rebels and the misfits who are never fond of the rules, who see things differently and have no respect for the status quo, you cannot be ignored because you change things, you invent, you imagine, you explore, you push the human race forward, you create and you inspire. Wake Up!
Month 5:
To the teachers and lecturers in the ancient institution that has outlived its usage, teaching the same thing, the same way to different people with different brains, different strengths, different needs, different gifts and different dreams. How tragic? Wake Up!
Month 6:
Its either you are an engineer, a medical doctor, computer scientist, lawyer or a disgrace to the family. To parents and guardians, every child’s flame for a particular field should be fed more oxygen because when we stop dreaming, we start dying. Wake Up!
Month 7:
To the government, economic problems; Unemployment, federal debts, corporate corruption and so on and non-economic economic problems; illegal aliens, poor leadership, energy, social security and so on, shouldn’t the creatives, passionate and talented be encouraged and nurtured to find new solutions to these ceaseless problems? Wake Up!
Month 8:
To the luxurious and wealthy, when Richard Branson walks into the room, people are impressed by how many dreams he has accomplished, not by his money. No one cares about how much money you have made. Money chases dream chasers. Wake Up!
Month 9:
To the poor and less privilege, “Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that” – Norman Vincent Peale. Dreams can come true and you can escape the cycle of poverty if you refuse to let the ability to be educated out of your dreams. Wake Up!
Month 10:
I’m scared too. What if everything I’m pouring my energy into is for nothing? To the extraordinarily high number of people facing some kind of trauma and the fearful, see these
oppositions as challenges and not obstacles. Fear is the biggest potential killer. Wake Up!
Month 11:
To the talented, gifted, dreamers, the light who think creatively, innovatively, critically and independently, we’ve got the revolution in our hands, Make a difference. Dare to illuminate the world. Wake Up!