Feminism isn’t about a group of angry women fighting against the patriarchy. They could be angry and the fight could be against the patriarchy but the true concept of feminism is the liberation of women from laws and prejudices that has hindered the social, economic and political advancement of women in our current day society.
The history and waves of Feminism aren’t nearly as important as the cause it stands for — liberation. As the young girl who is still denied the right to proper education, the woman who is won’t be accepted as a figure of political influence based on gender will find the facts and figures of Feminisim history irrelevant.
The ideology of feminism is carried out on multiple fronts, with the aim of establishing equality between the sexes. A reality I personally argue may not occur, regardless the liberation of women still remain important on many merits.
How do you become a feminist?
There is no one route to show your support for the idea of liberating women, still, the easiest way is to lend your voice to oppressed and marginalized women in every aspect of society. This is distinct from loggerheads arguments popularly found in online forums and comment sections about how defunct men are and how derailed the society is.
Lending your voice includes, but is not limited to educating women about the rights and opportunities they have available to them and how they can utilize such opportunities to improve their chances of success in multiple areas of their interests.
Educating women on what’s really possible and how they can take action to create more possibilities for themselves and their immediate community is golden.
This role of lending a voice and educating women shouldn’t be specific to any gender, as the inclusive effort of everyone will prove beneficial to every area of society.
Certainly, based on influence, and level of exposure, there are multiple ways you can contribute to reducing the marginalization that exists between the sexes because they in fact do exist.
Why should you be a feminist?
Again, Feminism isn’t a war between men and women, rather it is a struggle to liberate women, not from men, although certain specifics argue differently. Feminism is a struggle to liberate women (regardless of age and social status) from the prejudices of everyday society that obstructs their advancement, self-awareness and freedom within the society itself.
It should be viewed as a civic responsibility to aid the idealism of Feminism and contribute to providing balance to society on multiple fronts.
Based on the multiple waves of feminism, which each strives for a different aspect of liberation, it will be left to every individual’s discretion to choose what matters to them and support it. Despite our overall difference in views and decisions on which aspect of women liberation we choose to focus on, the bonding element of camaraderie should always be present.
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