We spoke with Jordan Mathews, known as Teddy Bomber 🧸 💣, discussing how he started creating, how he was influenced by his stay in the UK, and where he is currently, staying in the US as a digital creator.

Can you give a brief description about yourself?
Hello! My name is Jordan, and I’m born and raised in Las Vegas, NV. I’ve also lived abroad in the UK.
Can you give me a brief history of how you became a creator?
I became a creator in high school when I found a liking for photography. Even though holding a camera and learning all the functions was intimidating back then. It intrigued me.
What influenced/inspired you into choosing this as a career path?
Living in the UK really opened my eyes to photography. I was able to meet and learn from a lot of great talent while I was out there.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in your work?
The idea of learning something new keeps me motivated. If it’s something new in photoshop or a new shooting technique it’s something new and useful.
How do you stay unique in your work?
I think being you is the most interesting way to be unique in your work.

Have you ever doubted your talent? If so, how do you work through your doubt?
There’s always doubt there, but I’ve learned to work through it, it was definitely hard to break that self doubt. As I got better in my craft that doubt subsided.
If you could choose a theme song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Tyler The Creator - Massa. It’s a fairly new song, but I really resonate with this song.
If your work was edible, what would it taste like?
I’d have to say the most soft, airy sweet pastry you’ve ever had.