It’s been a hell of a week, wasn’t sure I was gonna go ahead and write this but here we are, part three.
Like i said in part two, we will be talking about your customers, who they are and how you can profile them.
To explain this properly, I’ll be taking two terms out of the world of marketing,
Demographics and Psychographics.
Demographics are the circumstances of that persons life - how much money they earn, what kind of car they drive, are they married, do they have kids?
Psychographics on the other hand is more inclined to the customer’s behaviour - what kind of magazines do they read, what kind of sports do they like, what do they do on the weekends, what restaurants do they go to, what food do they eat?
Weird, don’t you think?
But, these two things are very important as they will help paint the silhouette of what your audience looks like.
Next we need to go out and get more information and details about who that person is and make sure that your assumptions are correct. You can do this by looking at your competition on social media and checking their followers. See what conversations they are having, have a look at their profiles. Look at who they are and what their lives are like. Who do they follow?
You need to fill in fiction with facts.
Customer Profile
A customer profile is a short story of the ideal person that is going to be about your brand. It attributes to the voice of your brand. You can reach that person by speaking in their language. When you create a customer profile, you can hone in on what that actual person might like.
Because you have a customer profile, you can effectively direct your targeting to that group. Once you get that lifestyle, you understand you only have to have this group of people and they will spread it for me because once I have this core niche market, you don’t need everybody to buy your brand, you just need the people in this group to like it, because if they like it, then it is viable as a style.
We all need to understand this:
Everyone has a problem, a desire, and a narrative.
Begin by choosing people based on what they dream of, believe, and want, not based on what they look like. What’s the minimum number of people you would need to influence to make it worth the effort?
Find a position on the map where you, and you alone, are the perfect answer. Overwhelm this group’s wants and dreams and desires with your care, your attention, and your focus.
You need to figure out what “better“ means to them…
An Hermès bag might be more expensive than a Louis Vuitton bag, which might be more expensive than one from Coach. But that doesn’t mean that the Hermès bag is
“better.” It merely means that it’s more expensive, which is just one of the many things that someone might care about.
What about more subjective categories like “stylish” or “fashionable” or “status”? Suddenly, it’s not linear.
Choose your extremes and you choose your market. it could be stylist, modern, gothic, expensive, classy….it’s up to you to decide.

Different people want different things.
Neophiliacs want to go first. They want hope and possibility and magic.
They want the thrill of it working and the risk that it might not. They want the pleasure of showing their innovation to the rest of the crew.
The affiliation-seeking tribe member wants to fit in, to be in sync, to feel the pleasure of people like us do things like this without the risk of being picked to be the leader.
Some people want responsibility, while others seek to be recognized.
The lesson: Always be wondering, always be testing, always be willing to treat different people differently.
Your job as a brand is to get the “trendsetters” and the “early adopters”. This is your core group. It’s easy to talk to one person, it’s a lot harder to talk to a lot of people. If you put faith into that small group, you are guaranteed that to start selling your brand and you don’t even require a big product lineup.
In conclusion
There‘s so much more to learn about your customers. More than I can explain within this one article. If you’ve got the time, I strongly advice you read “This is Marketing” by Seth Godin. The book holds infinite insights regarding the steps you should follow in understanding your customers because, the fact is, they make your brand.
Ask yourself…
What change do I seek to make?
Figure out your answer, and in it will lie the audience you’re targeting. Next week we will discuss your Finances. Till then, I remain your humble writer ✍️.